On 13-14 March, representatives from all X5gon partners met in Osnabrück (Germany) to discuss progress and future plans for this EU project.
This 4th progress meeting of the EU innovation project X5gon (2017–2020) was hosted by project partner Universität Osnabrück (Germany). All other project partners where represented in the meeting: University College London (UCL), Institut Jožef Stefan (IJS, Slovenia), the Knowledge 4 All Foundation (K4A, UK), Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV, Spain), Université de Nantes (France), the Post of Slovenia (PS) and the Ministry of Education of Slovenia (MIZS). UPV was represented by MLLP members Alfons Juan, Álex Pérez and Javier Iranzo.
The X5gon proposal stands for innovative technology elements converging currently scattered Open Educational Resources (OER) available in various modalities across Europe and the globe. X5gon combines content understanding, user modelling and quality assurance methods and tools to boost a homogeneous network of (OER) sites and provides users (teachers, learners) with a common learning experience. X5gon deploys open technologies for recommendation, learning analytics and learning personalization services that work across various OER sites, independent of languages, modalities, scientific domains, and socio-cultural contexts.
In this meeting, the project partners reviewed the work done so far and planned towards the next milestones to be achieved.
A public Workshop on Sustainability of Open Educational Resources was organized right before the meeting, on 12 March, focusing on sustainability solutions for OER technologies.
We at the MLLP research group are looking forward to continuing collaborating with our partners in the X5gon project.