Towards cross-lingual voice cloning in higher education

Synthetic audio samples

A. Pérez, G. Garcés Díaz-Munío, A. Giménez, J. A. Silvestre-Cerdà, A. Sanchis, J. Civera, M. Jiménez, C. Turró, A. Juan. "Towards cross-lingual voice cloning in higher education". Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 105, pp. 104413, 2021.

UPV poliMèdia dubbing

Automatic dubbing samples are shown below. Original recordings were transcribed and translated automatically by means of ASR and MT systems. The subtitle errors have been manually amended before generating the synthetic audio.

The cross-lingual samples (unseen speaker-language pairs) are marked with a red asterisk *.

Speaker 1

Original (Spanish)

Dubbed (Catalan)

Dubbed (English) *

Speaker 2

Original (Spanish)

Dubbed (Catalan) *

Dubbed (English) *

Speaker 3

Original (Catalan)

Dubbed (Spanish)

Dubbed (English)

Test samples

Below you can find randomly drawn samples from the evaluation test set. Due to privacy constraints, the speakers are all members of the MLLP group, for which we have their consent.

They went five miles an hour and inside it was 105 degrees in the pitch dark.
Algunes espècies posseeixen modificacions en certes parts de la boca per tal de facilitar la seua alimentació.
* L'exassessor del príncep hereu ha sigut alliberat al no presentar-se càrrecs en contra seua.
* Nobody can keep that straight in their head.
We will focus therefore on the less subjective costs, those which can be quantified and which we will refer to as direct quality.
* En aquesta sèrie, algunes d'aquestes siluetes apareixen tacades per sang o embolcallades o velades amb llençols.
Son dos tipos diferentes de robots de limpieza que tienen ideas muy distintas de lo que significa limpio.
Creo que la raza humana no tiene futuro si no va al espacio.
My bold speculation is that I will be absolutely vindicated by history.
Les temperatures seguiran per damunt dels 20 graus en gran part dels municipis valencians durant les festes nadalenques.
La jubilació de l'actual gerent posa en perill la continuïtat de l'establiment.