@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+__all__= ['load']
+import sys,threading,collections,time
+import TLK
+import lmodel,oepmodel,segmodel
+import logging as Log
+Hyp= collections.namedtuple('Hyp',['var','novar','err',
+ 'score','nframes',
+ 'eos'])
+class Recogniser:
+ def __init__(self,models,params,
+# uppercase_tbl,uppercase_tbl_bi,
+ sil_word,sil_sym,fea_freq,mng):
+ args= {
+ 'ifreq' : 16000,
+ 'bsize' : 400,
+ 'amodel' : models['amodel'],
+ 'lm' : models['lm'],
+ 'params' : params,
+ 'output' : self,
+ }
+ self._fea_freq= fea_freq
+ if sil_word!=None:
+ args['sil_word']= sil_word
+ if sil_sym!=None:
+ args['sil_sym']= sil_sym
+ if models['dnn']!=None: args['dnn']= models['dnn']
+ if models['dlm']!=None: args['dlm']= models['dlm']
+ if models['mustd']!=None: args['mustd']= models['mustd']
+ if models['oep-factory']!=None:
+ oep= models['oep-factory'](models['oep-model'])
+ args['oep']= oep
+ self.reco= TLK.ORecogniser(**args)
+ if models['seg-factory']!=None:
+ self.seg= models['seg-factory'](models['seg-model'])
+ else: self.seg= None
+ self._mng= mng
+ self._cv= threading.Condition()
+ def reset(self):
+ self._err= False
+ self._hyps= []
+ self._prev= None
+ if self.seg is not None:
+ self.seg.reset()
+ # Per a gestionar tokens insertats el que vaig a fer es tindre
+ # una llista de llistes. En la primera llista estaran els
+ # tokens del segment que s'està processant actualment i en
+ # l'última els tokens de l'últim segment. Cada token serà una
+ # tupla paraula i número de frames on es va insertar.
+ self._itokens= [[]]
+ self._inframes= 0.0 # Numero de frames del segment actual
+ # insertats en el reconeixedor
+ def __register_itoken_nosec(self,token):
+ token= token.strip()
+ if token=='': return
+ nframes= int(self._inframes) if self._inframes>0.0 else None
+ self._itokens[-1].append((token,nframes))
+ def __register_itoken(self,token):
+ try:
+ self.__register_itoken_nosec(token)
+ except:
+ pass
+ def __register_itoken_eos(self):
+ if self._inframes>0.0:
+ self._itokens.append([])
+ self._inframes= 0.0
+ def __merge_itokens_nosec(self,code,hyp):
+ # Comprovacions inicials i eliminació
+ itokens= self._itokens[0]
+ if code==TLK.OUT_RES: self._itokens.pop(0)
+ if itokens==[]: return hyp
+ # Inserta
+ hyp,pos_var= hyp[0],hyp[1]
+ pref,novar,var= [],list(hyp[:pos_var]),list(hyp[pos_var:])
+ # -> Inserta inici segment
+ while len(itokens)>0 and itokens[0][1] is None:
+ tok= itokens.pop(0)
+ pref.append((tok[0],0,0))
+ # --> Processa novar
+ if len(itokens)>0 and len(novar)>0:
+ i,new_novar= 0,[]
+ while len(itokens)>0 and i<len(novar):
+ w,b,e= novar[i]
+ epos= b+e
+ while len(itokens)>0 and itokens[0][1]<epos:
+ tok= itokens.pop(0)
+ new_novar.append((tok[0],b,0))
+ new_novar.append((w,b,e))
+ i+= 1
+ while i<len(novar):
+ new_novar.append(novar[i])
+ i+= 1
+ else: new_novar= novar
+ # --> Processa var
+ if len(itokens)>0 and len(var)>0:
+ i,j,new_var= 0,0,[]
+ while len(itokens)>0 and i<len(var):
+ w,b,e= var[i]
+ epos= b+e
+ while j<len(itokens) and itokens[j][1]<epos:
+ new_var.append((itokens[j][0],b,0))
+ j+= 1
+ new_var.append((w,b,e))
+ i+= 1
+ while i<len(var):
+ new_var.append(var[i])
+ i+= 1
+ else: new_var= var
+ # --> Afegeix pendents si code==TLK.OUT_RES
+ if code==TLK.OUT_RES and len(itokens)>0:
+ assert var==[]
+ pos= new_novar[-1][1]+new_novar[-1][2] if len(new_novar)>0 else -1
+ for tok in itokens:
+ tmp_pos= pos if pos!=-1 else tok[1]
+ new_novar.append((tok[0],tmp_pos,0))
+ return pref+new_novar+new_var,len(pref)+len(new_novar)
+ # end __merge_itokens_nosec
+ def __merge_itokens(self,code,hyp):
+ try:
+ return self.__merge_itokens_nosec(code,hyp)
+ except:
+ return hyp
+ # None denotes end of segment
+ def feed(self,data=None):
+ if data==None:
+ self.reco.feed()
+ elif not self._err:
+ if type(data)==str:
+ self.__register_itoken(data)
+ elif len(data)==0:
+ self.reco.split()
+ self.__register_itoken_eos()
+ else:
+ self._inframes+= (len(data)/32000)*self._fea_freq
+ self.reco.feed(data)
+ def __write_hyp(self,novar,var,score,nframes,err,eos):
+ h= Hyp(novar=novar,var=var,err=err,
+ score=score,nframes=nframes,
+ eos=eos)
+ with self._cv:
+ self._hyps.append(h)
+ self._cv.notify_all()
+ def process_out(self,code,hyp,stats):
+ #def totxt(rec,last_word):
+ # aux= []
+ # for x in rec:
+ # w= x[0].lower()
+ # aux.append(toupper(w,last_word))
+ # last_word= w
+ # ret= ' '.join(aux)
+ # ret= ret.replace('[hesitation]','').replace('<unk>','')
+ # return ret
+ def totxt(rec):
+ ret= ' '.join([x[0] for x in rec])
+ ret= ret.replace('[hesitation]','').replace('<unk>','')
+ return ret
+ hyp,pos_var= hyp[0],hyp[1]
+ novar= hyp[:pos_var]
+ #new_last_word= novar[-1][0] if len(novar)>0 else self.last_word
+ #novar= totxt(novar,self.last_word)
+ #var= totxt(hyp[pos_var:],new_last_word)
+ #self.last_word= new_last_word
+ novar= totxt(novar)
+ var= totxt(hyp[pos_var:])
+ if novar=='' and var==self._prev and code==TLK.OUT_HYP: return
+ self._prev= var
+ score,nframes= stats
+ self.__write_hyp(novar,var,score,nframes,False,
+ code==TLK.OUT_RES)
+ # Output method
+ def write(self,code,hyp,stats):
+ hyp= self.__merge_itokens(code,hyp)
+ if code==TLK.OUT_ERR:
+ txt= self._prev if self._prev!=None else ''
+ self.__write_hyp(txt,'',0,0,False,False)
+ self._err= True
+ return
+ if code==TLK.OUT_END:
+ self.__write_hyp(None,None,0,0,self._err,False)
+ return
+ if self.seg is not None:
+ hyp= self.seg(hyp)
+ if code==TLK.OUT_RES:
+ hyp0,pos_var0= hyp
+ hyp1= self.seg.eos()
+ if hyp1 is not None:
+ hyp1,pos_var1= hyp1
+ hyp= hyp0[:pos_var0]+hyp1[:pos_var1]
+ hyp= hyp,len(hyp)
+ self.seg.reset()
+ self.process_out(code,hyp,stats)
+ @property
+ def output(self):
+ end= False
+ while not end:
+ with self._cv:
+ self._cv.wait_for(lambda: len(self._hyps)>0)
+ ret= self._hyps.pop(0)
+ end= ret.novar is None
+ yield ret
+# end Recogniser
+class RecogniserManager:
+ def __init__(self,name,tag,date,lang,
+ models,params,nreco,
+ sil_word,sil_sym,fea_freq):
+ self.v= []
+ self.vv= [] # Reference copy
+ #self.cmllr= params.cmllr_enabled
+ for n in range(0,nreco):
+ reco= Recogniser(models,params,
+ sil_word,sil_sym,
+ fea_freq,self)
+ self.v.append(reco)
+ self.vv.append(reco)
+ self.name= name
+ self.tag= tag
+ self.date= date
+ self.lang= lang
+ self._lock= threading.Lock()
+ self._models= models
+ self._enabled= True
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.vv)
+ def get_reco(self):
+ with self._lock:
+ if self.v==[]: return None
+ if not self._enabled: return None
+ ret= self.v.pop()
+ ret.reset()
+ #ret.reset_cmllr()
+ Log.info(('Recogniser taken from %s '+
+ '(available: %d of %d)')%(self.name,
+ len(self.v),
+ len(self.vv)))
+ return ret
+ def append(self,reco):
+ with self._lock:
+ self.v.append(reco)
+ Log.info(('Recogniser from %s realeased'+
+ '(available: %d of %d)')%(self.name,
+ len(self.v),
+ len(self.vv)))
+ def set_enabled(self,value):
+ with self._lock:
+ self._enabled= value
+ @property
+ def num_recos_available(self):
+ with self._lock:
+ return len(self.v)
+ @property
+ def enabled(self):
+ with self._lock:
+ return self._enabled
+# end RecogniserManager
+def prepare_params(cfg):
+ params= TLK.OParameters()
+ aux= cfg.get('hp')
+ if aux!=None: params.hp= int(aux)
+ aux= cfg.get('hp_min')
+ if aux!=None: params.hp_min= int(aux)
+ aux= cfg.get('wep')
+ if aux!=None: params.wep= float(aux)
+ aux= cfg.get('beam')
+ if aux!=None: params.beam= float(aux)
+ aux= cfg.get('dynormthr')
+ if aux!=None: params.dynormthr= int(aux)
+ aux= cfg.get('meannorm')
+ if aux!=None: params.meannorm= bool(aux)
+ aux= cfg.get('cmllr')
+ if aux!=None: params.cmllr_enabled= bool(aux)
+ aux= cfg.get('cmllr_nframes_step0')
+ if aux!=None: params.cmllr_nframes_step0= int(aux)
+ aux= cfg.get('cmllr_nframes')
+ if aux!=None: params.cmllr_nframes= int(aux)
+ aux= cfg.get('cmllr_niters')
+ if aux!=None: params.cmllr_niters= int(aux)
+ aux= cfg.get('numceps')
+ if aux!=None: params.numceps= int(aux)
+ aux= cfg.get('numchans')
+ if aux!=None: params.numchans= int(aux)
+ aux= cfg.get('accwindow')
+ if aux!=None: params.accwindow= int(aux)
+ aux= cfg.get('deltawindow')
+ if aux!=None: params.deltawindow= int(aux)
+ aux= cfg.get('hp_lm')
+ if aux!=None: params.hp_lm= int(aux)
+ aux= cfg.get('order')
+ if aux!=None: params.order= int(aux)
+ aux= cfg.get('ftype')
+ if aux!=None: params.ftype= str(aux)
+ aux= cfg.get('mustdnorm')
+ if aux!=None: params.mustdnorm= bool(aux)
+ aux= cfg.get('gsf')
+ gsf= float(aux) if aux!=None else 1.0
+ params.gsf= gsf
+ aux= cfg.get('wip')
+ wip= float(aux) if aux!=None else 0.0
+ params.wip= wip
+ params.amla= cfg.get('amla-fs')!=None
+ params.sil= cfg.get('sil_sym','SP')
+ # IMPORTANT !!!!! Deshabilita l'heurístic de segmentació
+ params.sil_length= 20000
+ params.sil_thr= 0.0
+ return params
+# end prepare_params
+def load_models(cfg,name,params,sil_word):
+ Log.info("Loading '%s' models..."%name)
+ mustd= cfg.get('mustd')
+ dnn= cfg.get('dnn')
+ if params.cmllr_enabled:
+ sys.exit('CMLLR NOT SUPPORTED !!!!')
+ target= cfg.get('target')
+ dnn_cmllr= cfg.get('dnn_cmllr')
+ else:
+ target= dnn_cmllr= None
+ lexicon= cfg.get('lexicon')
+ amodel= TLK.AModel(cfg['amodel'])
+ if lexicon!=None:
+ lex= TLK.Lexicon(lexicon, syms=amodel.syms)
+ lm= TLK.LM()
+ lm.load(cfg['lm'],lexicon=lex)
+ else:
+ try:
+ lm= TLK.SearchGraph(cfg['lm'], syms=amodel.syms)
+ except:
+ lm= TLK.StaticLookaheadTables(cfg['lm'], syms=amodel.syms)
+ dlm= cfg.get('dlm')
+ if dlm!=None:
+ dlm= lmodel.load_model(dlm)(lm.words)
+ oep= cfg.get('oep')
+ if oep!=None:
+ step= cfg.get('oep-step')
+ if step==None:
+ sys.exit('oep-step not defined')
+ step= int(step)
+ lookahead= cfg.get('oep-lookahead')
+ if lookahead==None:
+ sys.exit('oep-lookahead not defined')
+ lookahead= int(lookahead)
+ priors_fn= cfg.get('oep-priors')
+ amla_fs= cfg.get('amla-fs')
+ tmp= oepmodel.load_model(oep,step,lookahead,
+ priors_fn,amla_fs)
+ oep_factory,oep_model= tmp
+ else: oep_factory= oep_model= None
+ seg= cfg.get('seg')
+ if seg!=None:
+ tmp= segmodel.load_model(seg,sil_word=sil_word)
+ seg_factory,seg_model= tmp
+ else: seg_factory= seg_model= None
+ aux= cfg.get('gsf')
+ gsf= float(aux) if aux!=None else 1.0
+ aux= cfg.get('wip')
+ wip= float(aux) if aux!=None else 0.0
+ models= {}
+ models["amodel"]=amodel
+ models["lm"]=lm
+ models["dnn"]=dnn
+ models["gsf"]=gsf
+ models["wip"]=wip
+ models['dlm']= dlm
+ models['oep-factory']= oep_factory
+ models['oep-model']= oep_model
+ models['mustd']= mustd
+ models['seg-factory']= seg_factory
+ models['seg-model']= seg_model
+ return models
+# end load_models
+def load_system(conf):
+ sil_word= conf.get('sil_word')
+ sil_sym= conf.get('sil_sym')
+ fea_freq= conf.get('fea_freq',100)
+ params= prepare_params(conf)
+ name= conf['id']
+ tag= conf.get('tag',name)
+ date= tuple(conf.get('date',[1,1,1971]))
+ models= load_models(conf,tag,params,sil_word)
+ Log.info("Creating '%s' recognisers..."%name)
+ return RecogniserManager(name,tag,date,conf['lang'],
+ models,params,conf['nreco'],
+ sil_word,sil_sym,fea_freq)
+# uppercase_tbl,uppercase_tbl_bi,
+ # Uppercase-table (Deshabilitat de moment)
+ #aux= cfg.get('uppercase-table')
+ #uppercase_tbl= load_uppercase_table(aux) if aux!=None else None
+ #aux= cfg.get('uppercase-table-bi')
+ #uppercase_tbl_bi= load_uppercase_table_bi(aux) if aux!=None else None
+# end create_recognisers