Isaías Sánchez-Cortina defending his PhD thesis before the examining committee at Universitat Politècnica de València.
Former MLLP member Isaías Sánchez Cortina defended successfully today his PhD thesis on “Confidence Measures for Automatic and Interactive Speech Recognition” at the Universitat Politècnica de València’s Dept. of Computer Systems and Computation (DSIC).
The examining committee for the PhD defence was made up of Prof. Dr Francesc Casacuberta Nolla (Univ. Politècnica de València), Dr Ismael García Varea (Univ. de Castilla-La Mancha) and Dr Antonio Miguel Artiaga (Univ. de Zaragoza). They awarded Mr Sánchez’s dissertation the qualification of Excellent summa cum laude (the summa cum laude mention having been awarded after a secret vote by the examining committee members, as required by the applicable academic regulations).
After his successful PhD defence, Mr Sánchez has earned the title “Doctor en Informàtica” (PhD in Computer Science) according to the Valencian and Spanish university systems.
Dr Sánchez’s advisors for his PhD thesis were the MLLP’s Dr Alfons Juan Ciscar and Dr Alberto Sanchis Navarro. You can read here the dissertation’s abstract (in English, Catalan and Spanish), and here you will find the full text of the dissertation at the Universitat Politècnica de València’s institutional repository, Riunet.
Some of the most significant results covered in Dr Sánchez’s PhD thesis have been featured in publications such as the recently accepted article “Speaker-adapted confidence measures for speech recognition of video lectures“ on Elsevier’s Computer Speech & Language journal. More publications by Dr Sánchez can be found on Riunet, and on Dr Sánchez’s ResearchGate profile.
Congratulations to Dr Sánchez on his new title!
Picture source: MLLP