The Machine Learning and Language Processing research group (MLLP) was created in 2014 at Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV). It is made up of 11 members: 5 PhD researchers (1 full professor, 2 associate professors, 1 assistant lecturer, 1 researcher) and 6 predoctoral researchers.
The members of the MLLP group have participated in a large number of machine learning projects since 1995, with public and private funding. Some of the most relevant are projects funded by the European Commission (H2020: X5gon; FP7: transLectures; CIP: EMMA; IST: TT2; ESPRIT: EuTrans) and by the Government of Spain (Multisub, MORE, Active2Trans, iTrans2, iDoc, Itefte, SisHiTra, Taval, Extra, Tracom).
In the last six years, the MLLP group has been in charge of 6 research projects (3 EU projects, 3 Spanish projects) and 8 contracts for technology transfer with several organizations. The MLLP group has obtained excellent results in the EU research projects transLectures (coordinated by MLLP director Alfons Juan) and EMMA, and is currently a partner in the EU H2020 project X5gon (2017–2020). At this point, the ASR and MT systems developed by the MLLP in these projects are among the most competitive at an international level. In fact, in the last three years, the MLLP group has signed contracts with several organizations interested in using these systems, such as University Carlos III of Madrid, the Jožef Stefan Institute (Slovenia) and the Translation Centre for the Bodies of the European Union (EU/Luxembourg). Additionally, the UPV itself uses the MLLP’s technology for the multilingual subtitling (in English, Spanish, Catalan and other languages) of its institutional media repository UPV Mèdia since 2013.
6-year activity indicators (2012–2018)
- 7 research projects with MLLP principal researchers (3 EU, 4 Spanish)
- 7 tech transfer contracts
- 15+ articles in international journals
- 30+ articles in international conferences
- 1 book chapter
- 7 PhD theses with MLLP advisors
Progress charts
Here is our progress in two of our main activities: speech recognition and machine translation for several languages.
Automatic Speech Recognition
Machine Translation